Sunday, April 3, 2011

Performative Architecture + Collaboration

A New Project:

The purpose of the thematic investigations is to examine Architecture as being more than just about formal and aesthetic invention. There is a fundamental belief in this theme group that the value of Architecture can extend beyond formal excellence and visual interest. There is an attitude here that Architecture in the future needs to not only accommodate existing needs but to set up conditions that might allow and suggest new potentials and possibilities. As Alex Wall puts it, it is “less design as  passive ameliorant and more as active accelerant, staging and setting up new conditions for uncertain futures”

Performative seeks to describe an Architecture that is more than just about formal and aesthetic invention. It is about an Architecture that provides agency for particular events, whether expected and existing or emerging and new.

Architectural defines the discipline context of thematic enquiry

Territories seeks to suggest that the outcomes and purpose of the thematic enquiries are not necessarily about static “buildings” as such, even though physical structures are certainly part of the outcome, rather it is about the various dynamic and potentially temporal domains that are engendered by the physical structures proposed.

To be Finalised.

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